Kimon Felix, a 25-year-old black woman from Detroit, was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head on Sunday, her mother tells the Detroit Free Press.
Felix had struggled with depression and anxiety for years, and her mother says she was found by a friend after she failed to show up at her grandmother's house.
She was also found with a loaded gun on her person, and police are investigating.
Felix's death is being treated as a homicide, but police haven't released any other details, and the Free Press notes that Detroit is one of the largest US cities with a large black population that doesn't have a coroner's office.
In an episode of the podcast Our Body Politic that aired Monday, co-host Mara Campo-Campo spoke with Ifetayo Harvey, executive director of the People of Color Psychedelic Collective, and Sandy McRae Wright, program director of Comhar Open Door Clubhouse, about mental health and psychedelics, the Free Press reports.
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Brittany Merrill Underwood, who took up a teaching position in rural Uganda, has made it her life’s mission to empower marginalized women to “transform the physical and spiritual livelihoods of their families and communities.”